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Thank you for your interest in our Pilates for Charity classes!


Wallace Practice, established in 1982 provides physiotherapy and clinical pilates classes, instructed by physiotherapists. We are passionate about getting people moving and so, as a new venture, we will be running taster Pilates sessions for a 4 week block, all the proceeds of which will go to charity.


These classes are suitable for all abilities whether you don’t, occasionally or regularly exercise- or just want to try it out! If you are unsure of your suitability or have any queries, please contact the practice at 01224 316488.


These drop-in sessions can also be useful for those doing online pilates wanting to have an in-person class every now and then. 


We hope to see lots of new faces and maybe some old faces coming in for a refresher. Also if you would like to continue with Pilates after the classes, we offer several classes a week, in person or online.




Current Charity Class Timetable 


Upcoming Classes:







Wednesday July 10th - Wednesday July 31st at 9:30am for 4 weeks with Morag Buttle for Women V Cancer - Breast  Cancer Now.


Breast Cancer Now is a research and support charity that is here to change the lives of people affected by breast cancer. 

With their world-class researchers working in labs across the UK and Ireland they aim to  create a world where the words "breast cancer" aren't met with fear. They're building a brighter future for everyone affected by breast cancer. With an online helpline, health information, and support services, they are here for you and your loved ones. Every step of the way. They are the place to turn for anything and everything to do with breast cancer. Whatever you’re going through. Whoever you are. They're here.


If you would like to learn more Breast Cancer Now or other ways to get involved please click here.


Our charity Pilates class will be run in conjunction with Morag's own fundraising for the Ride the Night Manchester taking place the 16th of September, which is run through Breast Cancer Now and Women V Cancer.


​About The Event:


Get ready for the ride of your life and join hundreds of marvellous ladies on a 50km or 100km cycle through Manchester at night for Breast Cancer Now, Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust and Ovarian Cancer Action.

Whether you sign up solo or bring your team, you'll make hundreds of new friends and get the greatest experience of Manchester possible. Most importantly, you’ll make a massive impact in helping us strive towards a future where no one loses someone they love to breast cancer.


You can support Morag with her fundraising efforts via her direct page here.


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Our Charity Partners

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© 2019 by Wallace Practice LTD

Physiotherapy | Muscle Strains | Pilates | Whiplash | Muscle Tears | Sports Injuries | Arthritis | Sciatica | Tennis/Golfer's Elbow | Acupuncture | Tendonitis | Women's Health | Headaches | Podiatry | Chiropody | Spondylosis | Ligament-Strains | Frozen Shoulder | Spinal Disc Injuries | Cartilage Problems | Yoga | Counselling | Incontinence | Pelvic Girdle Pain | Menopause | Repetitive-Strain Injuries | Workplace Assessments | Knee Rehabilitation | Occupational Health | Postural Dysfunction | Neurological Rehabilitation | Foot Pain | Myofascial Pain  |  Low Back Pain  |  Growing Pains   |   Exercise  |  Foot Drop  |  Post Natal  |  Ante Natal  | Electrotherapy | Hip Pain | Sports Massage | Exercise Classes | Pediatric Physiotherapy | Mummy MOT | Specialized Pilates

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